IMPORTANT-All stakeholders are requested to note that Enrollment of K1 applications (both Fresh K1 and Renewals) and forwarding applications from HoI level for 2024-25 Kanyashree Year will close on 31.03.2025 (31st March 2025). The sanction of K1 applications will be closed on 31.05.2025 (31st May 2025).
Enrollment of K2 application for each applicant will continue between her 18 to 19 years of age
Activation of Importing & Fetching Option from BS Portal
a. The Importing Option from BS Portal, Phase 2 is now activated for all districts to start importing the left out girls.
b. The Fetching Option for Edited / Incremental Beneficiary Data from BS Portal is now activated for all districts. [Download User Manual]
The timeline for closure of the Kanyashree Year 2021-22 is as follows:
a. Enrolment of fresh entry will be closed from 16th July 2022, i.e. DPMUs have to complete all enrolments on or before 15th July, 2022.
b. Sanction of entries will be closed from 16th August, 2022 i.e. DPMUs have to complete sanction of eligible beneficiaries on or before 15th August, 2022.
c. Disbursement will remain open.
Notice for Transfer Out Option for Class XII
The Transfer Out option for all upgradable applications are open now for 2021-22 KY & 2022-23 KY.